Case: Analysis and tuning of suction box controllers
Tools: Vipetec Analysis™ & Optimization
Challenge in the production process
The suction boxes of the wire section at a paper machine could not be operated in automatic mode but were run manually. In grade changes and changes in production, suctions were not remembered to change and they were not always at the correct level. This affected the water removal and through that the operability and energy efficiency.
Analysis of suction box controllers, ensuring the condition of the actuators and tuning the controllers to improve the control of suctions.
Vipetec’s solutions
We first collected the data and analyzed the controllers and the operation of the process. This revealed the maintenance needs that the factory maintenance took care of. We then selected a control strategy, followed it through and tuned the controllers. In addition, we tuned the filters for measurements.
Achieved results
As a result of the project, the controllers can be kept on automatic mode and the web dry content before the press section has also increased. This has affected the energy economy positively. This was also visible in the work of the operators, and one of them even commented:
“Never have these went so well before”, referring to the functionality of suction controllers.
Goals achieved